Will Cintron Fields
Located at Balcom ave. and Barkley ave.
From Tremont ave. turn south onto Barkley avenue (towards the 7- Eleven).
Continue on Barkley ave. to Balcom ave.
From Throgs Neck Bridge:
approx. 10 minutes
After toll stay to right take 95 North
Take exit LAFAYETTE AVE. Bear left from exit (one way)
Go to 1st traffic light turn left on to LAFAYETTE AVE.
Turn right onto BALCOM AVE.
Field will be on left
From Whitestone Bridge:
approx. 5 minutes
After toll take Exit #18 LAFAYETTE AVE.
Turn right at 1st traffic light onto LAFAYETTE AVE.
Go two traffic lights. Turn left onto BALCOM AVE.
Field will be on left.